Whiskey Fungus: How To Clean
Whiskey Fungus is commonly seen near bakeries and distilleries around the world. Whiskey fungus feeds on the vapors produced by the alcohol and quickly spreads across surfaces and beyond. If untreated, the fungus can create a black streaking stain that leaves infected surfaces looking filthy. In fact, Whiskey Fungus has recently been the blame of many un-happy residence who reside near businesses that produce alcohol. From Maine to Tennessee many are asking how to clean and reduce the impact of Whiskey Fungus on their business and communities.
Cleaning Whiskey Fungus can be easy depending on how you approach it. Applying Citra-Shield is going to be your simplest long term solution to solve your Whiskey Fungus problems. However you must give the product time to work. Like other organic growth the Whiskey Fungus has taken root in the structure, whether it is the surface of barrels, siding, painted surfaces, tanks etc. The most effective way to eliminate the spread is by getting rid of the roots. This is exactly how Citra-Shield is designed to work. Once applied Citra-Shield attacks the root of the fungus and decays it over time. With the humidity, rain and wind Citra-Shield will continue to clean the treated area while gently removing the stains. Not only will Citra-Shield remove the stains it will also act as a preventative to keep the stains from returning.
How to apply Citra-Shield to Whiskey Fungus?
You will need a garden hose, Citra-Shield Ready To Use cleaning solution, an applicator (any 2 gallon pump sprayer will work) and patience. Pre soak the surrounding vegetation with water before application. With a pump sprayer thoroughly saturate the Whiskey Fungus with Citra-Shield. After application you want the treated area to remain wet for a couple minutes. In other words if you spray the Whiskey fungus and it dries right away you did not spray it long enough. After treating the surface use the garden hose to rinse off surrounding vegetation. You will notice that the area you treated with Citra-Shield may become a tea color. This is normal and a good thing. This means that the Citra-Shield has begun attacking the fungus. In some instances (not always) there will be no change in color but it is uncommon. we recommend wearing eye protection when applying Citra-Shield. It will sting your eyes (like soap) if any overspray hits them. As always read the instructions prior to any use. Once your application is complete, let Mother Nature do the rest. The natural elements, wind, rain, sun, humidity, will keep Citra-Shield activated and continue to clean long after application. If you have purchased Citra-Shield Concentrate you should mix accordingly; 5 parts water to 1 part Citra-Shield.
How long will it take to clean?
We get asked this question nearly every day. The cleaning time will vary depending on the severity of the staining. If you just realized the whiskey fungus and it is relatively new growth, Citra-Shield will clean it quickly. If the growth is established expect a longer clean time. The surface type, weather and location of the stain determine how quickly it will disappear. If you wish for faster cleaning time you can brush the area after treating the area to agitate the surface of the fungus, then re-treat with Citra-Shield. Keep in mind more is not always better. Be patient and Citra-shield will do its job.
When Should I Re-Treat for Maintenance?
We always recommend re-treating areas that are prone to organic growth every 6 months. This will allow you to stay ahead of the growth. If you are in a Northern climate treating the surface in the spring and then once again in the fall is excellent timing. For those in the Southern climates you can treat in the spring (before rainy season) then again in the beginning of the year. Your maintenance ratio for cleaning is 9 parts water to 1 part Citra-Shield. Keep in mind that a gallon of Ready to Use Citra-Shield roughly covers 100 to 125 sqft depending on application. This is a good rule of thumb when trying to figure out how much Citra-Shield you will need to clean any area.