As boat owners we know that Marine Surfaces, such as, life jackets, bumpers, ropes, covers and boats, are prone to biological growth. These items spend most of their lives in a damp environment and are excellent targets for algae. If you own a boat you know that musty smell when your vessel comes out of storage. No matter how hard we try these water tight compartments trap in moisture and become hot spots for mold, algae and mildew. These organisms thrive in these environments allowing them to infect the items stored in them. Citra-Shield Marine Ready-To-Use Cleaner & Preventative will stop this biological growth and keep your marine surfaces clean. Sure, other bleach based cleaners will remove some of these stains, however they will not keep them from coming back. Citra-Shield will. Our proprietary ingredients continue to battle these stain causing organisms long after they are not visible. We are in the process of setting up distribution for our Marine Cleaner & Preventative and you should be able to find it at your local marina soon. Until then, we are selling the product in bulk to users like you you want to get your boat ready for the summer season. Please reach out to our staff to place an order. 800-622-1032.

Citra-Shield Marine: Buy In Bulk