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Citra-Shield Concentrate Multi-Surface Outdoor Cleaner, Headstone Cleaner, Concrete Cleaner, Deck Cleaner, Roof Cleaner and More



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How To Use

Citra Shield Concentrate is the superior multi-surface outdoor cleaner! Citra Shield is a concrete cleaner, headstone cleaner, deck cleaner, roof cleaner, and more! This special cleaner is good for all these surfaces. It’s also good for the Earth because it’s friendly to our environment. Using it is a breeze – just spray it and leave it alone, no need to rinse or scrub. And the best part? It keeps your headstone, concrete, deck, fence, or roof looking clean for up to a year!”

Exploring the Key Features and Benefits:

  • Effortless Cleaning: Citra Shield Concentrate simplifies outdoor cleaning. A quick spray on your headstone, concrete, deck, or roof is all it takes, allow nature to do the hard work and save you precious time and effort.
  • Eco-Friendly: We’re committed to eco-friendliness, and Citra Shield Concentrate reflects this task, making sure your headstone, concrete, deck, or roof cleaning won’t harm the environment, using a bleach-free formula combined with rinse-free technology to reduce water waste.
  • Time-Saving: Bid farewell to laborious scrubbing and rinsing. Citra Shield Concentrate streamlines your cleaning process. 1 step process, spray and walk away.
  • Lasting Value: Beyond cleaning, Citra Shield Concentrate provides long-lasting protection. Your headstone, concrete, deck, or roof surfaces will stay clean for up to a year.

Guidance on Usage: Instructions for Effective Application

Initial Application:
  1. Start by mixing 5 parts water with 1 part Citra Shield Concentrate in any garden pump sprayer.
  2. This will create a 6-gallon solution of this strong headstone, concrete, deck, or roof cleaner.
  3. Lastly, spray the mixture evenly on the surface, then sit back and wait for the results!
Maintenance Cleaning (Every 6-12 Months):
  1. Start by mixing 9 parts water with 1 part Citra-Shield Concentrate in your garden pump sprayer.
  2. This will create a 10-gallon solution to keep your headstone, concrete, deck, or roof looking its best.
  3. Lastly, apply the solution evenly to maintain a continuously clean outdoor space.

Experience the power of Citra Shield Concentrate and enjoy your outdoor spaces without the fuss. Say hello to convenience, eco-friendliness, time savings, and lasting value, all while fulfilling a cleaner, more beautiful outdoors today.

Year-round, say hello to clean headstone, concrete, deck, and roof surfaces. You're all in one: multi-surface outdoor cleaner, headstone cleaner, roof cleaner, deck cleaner, concrete cleaner, and more!


Yet Gentle Cleaning

Citra-Shield Outdoor Cleaner effectively removes tough stains caused by mold, mildew, algae, and more without the need for harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbing. Its biodegradable formula works gently on various surfaces, preserving their integrity over time.

  • Environmentally Responsible
  • Time-Saving Solution
  • Versatile Application

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